In 1 John 4:8–10, 11, it's clear that everyone has the capacity to possess love, as each of God's children. We see this truth again in John 3:16 and Romans 5:8.
In Luke 10:25–37, we see and learn that anyone is capable of love. The parable of the Good Samaritan, of all the three persons who passed by the man attacked by armed robbers, it's the unlikely Samaritan who demonstrates love and compassion. This proves that anyone with an open heart to God can possess love. Despite societal expectations, the Samaritan's actions show that love transcends labels and stereotypes.
The story illustrates that anyone, regardless of background or status, can embody love when their heart is open to God. Our capacity to love is rooted in our connection to God, the Ultimate Source of Love.
In essence, as we align our hearts with God's direction of love, we unlock our innate capacity to love others deeply and unconditionally.
©VOTAR, an apostle of Jesus Christ and a bond servant of God.