God/Life is a set-up. God is a master planner. Psalm 90:1,
How far is too far from someone you care about? Acts 17:26-28
Genesis 3:7-9, Luke 3:38…
When the man signed, he was translocated from God's presence, Adam sinned against God. And God sought him out, right in the middle of the garden where he had become lost as God asked him a question.
Genesis 3:9
And the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”
When God asks a rhetorical question like He asked Adam, it's not because He's unaware of what's happening; it's so the man can realise how far he's fallen.
The same way the angel of the Lord asked Jacob what his name was—to find out if he'd come out forthright for once. Genesis 32:29-30
So, when God asks questions, it's usually because he wants us to come forthright. Acts 17:27-28
The admonition tonight is that no matter what happens to each one of us, God wants us to find our way back to Him, knowing that we can't be too far from Him. Luke 15, Psalm 139:8
Let it be settled in our spirits that we do not have a life outside of God. Repentance is very important in the life of a child of God. Don't be too big or think all hope is lost and that you cannot return to your Father. You can go back to God. Jonah 1:1–3, 2:1-2.
© VOTAR, an apostle of Jesus Christ and a bond servant of God.