Who is to be Loved?

Written on 02/25/2024
Appointed-grace VOTAR

1. The Lord God Almighty is the first person to be loved.


  1. We were made in His image.
  2. We were commanded to do so.
  3. It takes an intimate connection with God to truly know and understand ourselves.

How much of yourself do you know?

People can begin to give you the wrong image of your personality.

If you don't know who you are, you've not set your love upon Him. 

How do you express love to others?

It takes loving God to have a proper perception of who you are, and it is from this overflow that you relate to people. It is from it that you have the wisdom to navigate life. So, loving God is of great importance. Your mind, will, and emotion must be involved. Mark 1:30-32

Who is to be loved?

2. God wants us to love one another.

John 13:34-35

34. A new commandment I give to you: that you love one another. As I have loved you, you must also love one another.

35. By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another."

When you love a person, you'll give yourself to them.

Proverbs 8:30-31

We must not discriminate against loving men, just as God is kind and gracious to all men. Matthew 5

1 John 4:20–21,

The face of God is a man. We can't claim to love God if we do not love our brother, whom we have seen. Every man everywhere is our brother within the context of the scriptures, because we are God's offspring. So, let's give ourselves to men in love. All of God's children are to be loved. John 14, 1 John 4:20

Within the context of marriage

Ephesians 5:1-33 Within the context of relationships and marriage, it is the will of God that the woman be loved.

E.g., Genesis 29:18

NOTE: The way 'loved' was used in verse 18 was in the past. A true test of love is time. True love is constant and consistent. True love waits.

Daughters of Zion, take special note of this: words go around. What's the report about you? Are you a virtuous woman or not? Ruth 3:1-12

When you find those who truly love you, treasure them. Don't take them for granted. Love them genuinely.

We ought to love all men genuinely and seek that they come to the knowledge of truth. We must love all our brothers and sisters. Our love metre must be full. Is your love constant and consistent over time?

God is our Father. He is faithful, constant, and consistent. Before you open your mouth to say anything, check that it is love (the will of God) that you're saying.


© Appointed-grace VOTAR, an apostle of Jesus Christ and a bond servant of God.